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Welcome to Trewidland Preschool

A small and welcoming with a family atmosphere. We would like to invite you and your child to a ‘settling-in session’ to get to know us, the other children, and what happens at Preschool.



IChildren are able to start with us the term in which they are three. For up to date costs, please contact the school office. 

Please ask for an EY2c form ‘Nursery education entitlement’ in the autumn term to complete and return to us. You may also pay for additional hours on top of these if you wish. You can choose to split these hours with another setting, for example if your child goes to a day-care nursery or child-minder.

The Pre-school day runs from 9am to 3pm.


Most of the learning is through play and exploration. We aim to offer a range of activities that will be enjoyable, and will at the same time extend and reinforce your child’s learning. Usually this is through child-initiated free play. Sometimes we lead more structured activities, for example early phonics letter sounds and formation.


They will eat in the main hall with the other children. A member of pre-school staff will sit at the table with them. You can either bring a packed lunch for them, or order a school dinner which is currently priced at £2.66. This can either be paid for in advance or on the day. Menus are available, so you know what your child will be eating.

Our ‘curriculum’ is guided by the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Framework’.

We look carefully at your child’s development so that we know what the next steps in their learning are, and what we can provide for them. We do this in partnership with you.

Most of the learning is through play and exploration. We aim to offer a range of activities that will be enjoyable, and will at the same time extend and reinforce your child’s learning. Usually this is through child-initiated free play. Sometimes we lead more structured activities, for example early phonics letter sounds and formation.

Each child has a Key Worker. Our aim as key workers is to get to know your child’s likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and be the main point of communication for you as parent. We hope to communicate really well and work together with you to support your child.

What we do at Pre School

A peg for coats, spare clothing and anything else you bring for your child are in the cloakroom next to the toilets, with a name label on it.

When each child arrives, they find their name and stick it on the dinner register board. If they are having a school dinner you can tell us which choice they would prefer.

Each child has a book bag. A wide range of books is available so that each child can choose a different book to take home each time they come to pre-school.

We sit down on the carpet in a circle to say hello to one another and begin the morning’s learning together. Once the children are settled in we will begin our informal phonics programme, using games to learn about sounds, and speaking and listening. 

Clothing and things your child may need

At pre-school uniform is not required. Children should wear comfortable clothing that is suitable for a range of activities some of which may be messy, although aprons are supplied. They should also bring suitable outdoor clothing with the child’s name clearly marked. We try to go outside even in bad weather, so please make sure that your child has the appropriate gear for the weather. Please also supply a spare change of clothes if possible.

Your child may still attend if he/she still needs nappies or a potty, but it is much better if they are confidently able to use the toilet and wash and dry their hands.

Water is available at all times. Fresh fruit, water and a plain healthy snack will be provided at snack time mid-morning.